transgender HRTiversary As of today, I have been consuming little blue hormone pills and large beige androgen receptor blockers [] for exactly one year. On January Aria Burrell 9 Feb 2015 · 5 min read
git Git Subtree Merge Alternatives Recently for work I've had the need to pull data from a Subversion repository for use in a project whose code is stored in Git. It seemed obvious to use Aria Burrell 2 Feb 2015 · 2 min read
ADHD-PI ADHD Progress Continued So, to update on the ADHD-PI (apparently the current name for what was once ADD) situation: Dexedrine is going well so far. 4 days in and there are distinct changes Aria Burrell 14 Aug 2014 · 2 min read
ADHD-PI ADD and Me In the past couple days I've made some important realizations about myself and my ability to be productive that I really wish I'd caught on to earlier in life. I've Aria Burrell 12 Aug 2014 · 2 min read