My fourth grow turned out pretty decent, harvested on 4/20 (by coincidence) and yielding 82g of Blueberry Muffin. I ran it as a bit of an experiment: I grew two plants, one with training (mainlining/manifolding) and one without. While I forgot to independently measure the dry yield for each, I can say the mainlined plant yielded significantly more than the naturally grown plant in the same amount of time. Photos follow.

Curing over the month of May, this now tastes rather decent and produces a respectable high.

Lessons learned this grow: more accuracy and consistency in measurement of nutrients might reduce better results. I winged it for much of this grow (though kept it the same for both plants) and definitely fed too much at times as indicated by the curling leaves on the taller plant. Blueberry Muffin is still a fairly temperamental plant to grow and I still haven't figured out how to prevent the yellowing and death of the lower leaves.

"Luz" and "Amity", two Blueberry Muffin plants grown using different training approaches. Just before harvest
Wet-trimming of Blueberry Muffin plants in the Nug Mines
One larger Blueberry Muffin nug
Dry weight (post-dry, pre-cure) of the total Blueberry Muffin yield

Grow 5

I had a bit of a tough time getting seeds to start for grow 5, with only 1/4 of my first round of seeds succeeding. I think my seeds are just getting to be a bit old. Round 2 of attempting to start seeds got 2/3 succeeding so I think grow 5 will just be the three plants featured in the header image.

These ones have been named after muppets, with "Dr. Teeth" and "Animal" as Blue Cheese OG and "Janice" as Northern Lights. You may notice Janice has some yellowing and withering and that's due to my failure to feed her nutrients early enough. I started the seeds in Coconut Coir this time around and it slipped my mind that the seedling would run out of critical nutrients very quickly. Fortunately, I caught the mistake before she withered beyond recovery. With luck, this will allow Dr. Teeth and Animal to catch up a bit since they sprouted almost 2 weeks later.