The plant family is completely back to health, ignoring the older leaves which caught the brunt of a lack of water (I'm sorry, plant friends!). From this point until flowering time I just need to keep watering them, training them to grow with a flat canopy (instead of in the tree shape cannabis is most inclined to grow), gradually increase the fertilizer dose, and wait until they're about half the final height I'd want to aim for. At that point I'll switch their light over from 18h/day to 12h/day, and that'll trigger them to grow a final stretch before flowering.
Nandor, day 61 - Nandor probably caught the worst of the water damage and seems to be the thirstiest of bunch (his soil was the only dry stuff in all the pots this morning after yesterday's watering). Nandor's probably the least healthy of the bunch and still the slowest to grow nodes, but it's reassuring that he's still consuming water working at it.Laszlo, day 61 - His lower leaves are a bit crisp from skipped watering, but everything is pretty green still, so they continue to do their job. Laszlo hasn't stretched much. It's probable that it'll end up being a stubby plant with densely packed flowers.Nadja, day 61 - Her leaves are the crispiest at the lower levels, though that's as much due to the skipped watering as her earlier woes. I'll likely give her a trim soon as it's unlikely these leaves are functioning well. Otherwise, Nadja is most on-track for node/stem growth without too much stretch.Colin Robinson, day 61 - This plant has STRETCH for days. I'm not concerned about health really as Colin continues to grow both height and nodes. He's by far the tallest of the bunch and it's going to be tricky to anchor down his branches if they get too far from the pot (I'm using safety pins and soft ties).