After skipping a day of watering on all the plants in preparation for transplant, I got to work on the actual job of transplanting each of them to ~14 litre (3 gallon) fabric pots today. Unfortunately, I left the plant friends a little too long without water and everybody was very wilted when I got started today, making for some very sad looking photos of the process. Everybody's perking up now that they've been repotted and watered, though. This is the last repotting so there should be very little trauma remaining for them until flowering time.

Everybody was looking much better by this evening, though there was some permanent damage from dehydration that I'll have to contend with. Nonetheless, folks were well enough for me to set to work tying branches down again in the quest to eventually have an even canopy through the mainlining technique. Only Nadja is at a stage of development where I was able to anchor down all eight stems. Laszlo's branches are stubby, hard to get to through all the leaves, and very stiff but I was able to anchor him down to 4 stems. Nandor and Colin Robinson each have 4 stems anchored as well.